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Welcome to the Neighbourhood House Murchison & PreLoved Shop

About us

Neighbourhood House Murchison provides a welcoming and inclusive space where people of all ages can participate in a diverse range of programs and activities to improve their wellbeing.


The Neighbourhood House in Murchison first opened in 1999 in response to a community survey highlighting the need for a local facility focussing on health, leisure and learning activities. Since then, Neighbourhood House Murchison has offered programs, activities, services and adult learning onsite for the Murchison & District community; planned and organised events and celebrations; and worked collaboratively with business and local organisations to build a resilient and connected community.


Heres some of the servicesNeighbourhood House Murchison offers:

-Food Relief

-Printing/ Photocopying/ Computer Services 

-Community Programs

-Room Hire

-PreLoved Shop

Much, much more.......


Check out the programs we have at the 
Neighbourhood House Murchison

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2025 Term 1 Program  (1).png
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